Monday, June 30, 2008


It has become increasignly aware too me that many people in Society live out the Dreams, Passions and mostly desires of others? Does this make sence?...What do i mean? Is it possible that most people find it too dificult to find or live out there own lives? Thus defering the ultimate life changing experience coming from a change firstly within?.

I have meet people who use the excuse of other peoples life experiences to mould and shape there own lives? Alhough it is nearly impossible to not be influenced by another persons life emotionaly, esp if you are directly connected with them in some way? It does not excuse us from building & livng from our own personal life experiences.

Do you think i am being judgemental or Harsh? Yes & No...

You see, I have come to realise from my own life. For many years I lived off the memories & in particular the spoken experiences accounted by others. I think the terminology is called " Living of another man's dream " Instead of looking within to find out who the real me was! was much easier to just portray a distorted image reflected by others

Sunday, June 29, 2008


I reckon, One of the coolest things about God is his Timeing and his enduring Patience. I think mankind and each one of us could learn alot from just those 2 characteristics of God's awesomeness. But, apparently we know better!... And what we think is the right thing too ask for, or our timeing is always the best time.

I myself am guilty of this and many other things concerning Godly principles etc. Not to say that i purposely dig at to find fault in Man and in myself in particular. Because the truth or the Fact is, according too scriptures there is none perfect, no not one, . That was until Jesus came too redeem us...Glory to his name!

Jesus is the Ultimate gift from God, that I think deserves alot more attention in these last days. In fact i think that if we paid more attention to Who, What, Why, and the Where details about Jesus and his ministry. It's possible that we might just be surprised as too what we find or discover! We might actually be reminded of the truth...the whole purpose of his coming & our salvation.

It's my belief that Alot of Christians sadly dont fully undestand the true depth and importance of Jesus' Ministry on earth and his Death. Of course there are many different aspects which have been preached and laboured upon, like his Death and ressurection. Which, do not get me wrong...are very important keys to the Salvation message. But they are not the only ones though...

Yes! Jesus redeemed mankind from the penalty of sin which is Eternal Death...BUT have you ever asked yourself why?...Here is the Key Reason! So that God could not only forgive and cleanse you from all sin, But so God could bring man back to that previous fallen state of Intimacy and fellowship with Him. Just as it was meant to be, showen in the begining in the Garden of Eden with Adam & Eve. But this time, not only did God want to be just our God...but he decided he would adopt us as his own children and we could then begin to see him and know him as "Father" instead of Just God.

You see...The Gift of Jesus, gave us the Gift of Adoption, which then gave us a position that can only be given to Sons of God. That is, to be seated next to our new FATHER (In Jesus) at his right side in the Kingdoms Throne Room. Too much emphasis and Teachings today are on what God can give to you if you are a good little christian. To much teachings and emphasis is on what i can get for myself and what kind of ministry God is going to give or use me for?.... The healing ministry! The Double portion! etc etc...

STOP! Please dont get me wrong! These are very important gifts to God & the ministry of the Kingdoms growth. But there must be a balance in everything we do for him, because if your focus and attention is consumed only on the gifts and what you can get?. Then Satan once again has drawn our attention away from God just like he did in the Garden of Eden with the Apple. Intimacy and Relationship with Jesus, brings us into Intimacy and Relationship with God.

The heart of King David in the O/T was to know God more, & too dwell in his presence forever more! God even recorded it in scripture that David was a man after his Heart!Intimacy! A Relationship! Abba Father! The result of your Intimacy with Jesus and your new Father will produce all the Gifts and Blessing freely, because this is his TRUE LOVE 4 you.

Remember the parable of the Prodical Son? When he returned after throwing away all his inheritance. His Father(God) did not question him or make him earn it back! He freely gave him a Ring, Robe and the best Food to be served. Yet his Older brother who was trying to earn his inheritance complained and became angry and bitter. Yet his father said to the older brother, that his inheritance has always been his too. He just forgot, and began to try and earn his fathers respect and love!

Friday, June 27, 2008


Galatians 1:15-16 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach him among the Gentiles; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood:

For me personaly, I can identify with what Paul the Apostle spoke to the Church in Galatia. It sums up all that God has done from the begining of my birth..then to bring me to where I am now. As like Paul the Apostle, I did a many terrible things in my life and then went on too experience a similar Life changing encounter just like his conversion on the road to Damascus.

I guess in many ways we can identify ourselves with many biblical characters in the Bible...However, the most important person that we all must come to identify with in every area of our lives is JESUS! Even as a non christian I had a deep yearning that I somehow felt I did not belong or come from this world. But how do u tell that too Friends, Family or anybody that would listen, without them thinking you are going mad? Yet the unknowing knowing become progressively stronger as I grew older!

Kinda like a two edged sword senario I guess you could call it...But now that I know the Truth about my true identity in Christ and christ in me. It all makes sense too me, that all though I am in this world for a season! I am not of it....Glory, Halleluah. I am here to Follow in the footsteps of my Lord and Saviour, and just like carry out the work of my Father in Heaven.

Friday, June 6, 2008



1 Thessalonians 5:23

The Bible clearly states that we (Human Beings) are a Tri Being. We are a Spirit being, that has a Body & and a Soul. In the Book of Genesis, we read that God created us in his own Image or Likeness. God is a Tri Being as he reveals through the scriptures. God the Father, God the Son(Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit, yet he is One being just like you and I.

Is it purely coincidental that we too are also modeled after him with a Tri Being exsistance?. The Tri Being or Trinity teaching of God always challenges a lot of people, because quite simply, they find it difficult to understand. Sadly because they find it too difficult to understand or comprehend. I have noticed that it's easier too to put it into the too hard basket or become defensive in there own interpretation. Which of course makes a lot of sense, if you view it in that same light.

Our Soul is the area of our Mind, Will,Emotions. The Body part of our Tri Being is the Logic, Intution incorperating all the 7 sences like Sight, Smell, Taste, Speech, Touch etc.... It's my belief that the Trinity or God's 3 Part Being like you and I, can no longer be understood from our Soul or Body like it's was able too in it's former Time or State. And because of this new condition on the Soul and Body, neither of the two are able to correctly discern or correctly comprehend the Spiritual truth of the Trinity Being of God. Your Spirit which God recognises to be the Real you, is the only area of your Tri being that can fully understand Spiritual Truths.


Let's go back into the Garden of Eden too understand this a little better. When Adam and Eve were created, the were created into perfect Beings. Spirit, Soul and Body. They were without Sin or blemish and therefore not corrupt. They were in the perfect image and will of God, and enjoyed the blessings of there creator and his fellowship. So when Sin entered into there lives through there  own disobedience. There entire being....Spirit, soul and body become corrupt and could no longer be in the presence of there creator and continue too live and enjoy the benefits of his blessings. God's anger towards Satan was evident, because through his(Satans) lies, he deceived Eve & Adam.


Thus God had to remove Adam & Eve from his Presence, where Intimate relationship with Hinself would be lost. He also knew that the sin would spread throughout our entire being like a disease which would distort and effect the way we make choices in our lives and whether or not we would want to have a relationship with God.

Have you ever one day realised with a deep sensing that there is something missing in your life? but you cant put your finger on it? So we assume it's lack of wordly belongings or exceptance, in which we spend most of our lives accumilating through Blood, sweat and Tears. We try to earn the exceptance of others through false pretence and we place tremendous expectations on ourselves. Only to realise that there is still something missing. Very few people are succesfully able to cover or put a false Band Aid over this feeling though denial or bitterness.

The truth is...that feeling of lonelyness or that sence of something missing in your life is very, very real. It is comeing from your Spirit Being(True Self) that longs for that reconnection with it's Creator. Just like too lovers who were seperated. So that's the simple version of how we became corrupt Tri Beings. Therefore restricting us & not being able to fully comprehend the spiritual truths of the scriptures. So God needed a plan to restore our Spirit Being which remember is our Core part that he connects with, so that we can and he can have that union again.


When you are Born Again by faith,  you are in simple terms  permitting God to restore your Spirit being back to it's former state. Your Spirit being within you is regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit. How? The Holy Spirit joins with your spirit and you become one with him. Now the Soul and the Flesh are not restored back to there former glory. Too my understanding so far!... I have yet to study the scriptures in more depth to find the answers to that reason. However God gave us his Holy Scriptures to compensate for this. The scriptures say that if we meditate on his word and live after his commandments continually. Eventually our Soul will become renewed in the way it thinks and our Body can receive healing when needed.


God is not a man that he should lie. Because what he says will come to pass. When he said to Adam DO NOT eat of the tree that gives you knowledge of Good and Evil otherwise you will Die. So from the moment they ate of the tree, Satan's plan took effect to destroy God's loved ones. And the process of our Death Time Clock begun. So too understand God and to have union with him again like in the Garden of Eden all you need to do is get Born Again. Jesus gave us the example before he begun his ministry in the river Jordan, and it was only then on the first account that God declared Jesus to be his Son in whom he is well pleased with. If you try too understand God with your Soul which remember has been corrupted by sin and is not like it's former state. You will never truly and fully understand the Spiritual truths of the scriptures.


How many times have you tried to understand the Heart and mind of God and you end up becoming more confused and or sometimes disillusioned. It does not seem to make  what we would consider logical sense? Well know you know why! It's only with the guidance and leading of the Holy Spirit that dwells within you after being Born Again that you will come to understand progressively your true identity, and purpose in life!


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Welcome to the SOULJAHS 4 CHRIST Blogsite! In 2006 i had an encounter with God that would change my life forever. In Scripture, God expresses & reveals himself to us in 3 ways...Light, Love & Fire! In this encounter, he revealed himself in this fulness of Glory asking me if i would be a soldier for his Army!...I replied with Tears of Joy "Yes!". This blogsite is dedicated to my Father in Heaven, & my Lord & King "JESUS"


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